Health and Longevity easy.  Fast, interactiveunderstandable articles. Stem Cells’ moment for Real Life Extension. fight Metabolic Syndrome: Heart Disease, Stroke, Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s…even Obesity!  LifestyleFoods, Exercise explained for real Results!


Fasting Strategy for Detoxification & Longevity

Fasting Strategy for Detoxification & Longevity Often the most powerful approach of a doctor to help heal is nothing. Fasting is an ancient healing modality linked to every religion and...


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Sublime ‘Sleeping In’ During COVID-19 Cautionary!

Sublime 'Sleeping In' During COVID-19 Cautionary!video
At some point, we will have beaten COVID-19 and gotten back to our normal lives, whereupon this information will be much more relevant towards...
Care with Salt Valid?

Care with Salt Valid?

It's Ketogenesis Again!video

It’s Ketogenesis Again !


Worldwide OBESITY crisis, which I continually repeat is REFLECTIVE, and the RESULT of Insulin Resistant Syndrome issues, is something we CAN deal with NOW! Essentially we need our Healthy Lifestyle!
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